In our home we hang the coloring page up all week so that we can remember what we are learning about. It is a wonderful way to add words from the bible to our everyday lives. The New Testament has really become a big part of our lives this year because of our diligent study. Displaying the materials in our home that our children have completed is just the icing on the top. Even our two year old colors and points to her picture on the wall often.
Following your summary sheet that is provided in your materials you will know exactly what to use each item for. We do encourage you to use and choose best for your families needs. We recreated the super fun Spot It game (bible style) for you to play together this week. People, it is awesome! Each image was hand drawn by one of our artists. Each image is a review from a story in the new testament. Many images are of our Savior. The whole thing is just heart warming and educational all in one. If you have more than three players I do recommend printing the game cards twice. See the instructions in your materials. Have so much fun with this game!
Simple definition strips have been given to you in your downloads. These are to be used as a teaching tool. Great for children who are reading to choose one, read a loud, tape up on the board and then to discuss each one together. These three words are challenging to understand, especially for young children. We hope these help!
To apply the principles taught this week we give you some real life scenarios to act out or simply discuss. Feel free to make up even more examples, maybe ones that fit your family. I suggest making it a game, that always works out to be the most memorable!
There are other materials you get in your lesson materials this week that are not pictured. Love is another focus this week. Take a look at your song list. Music is a great way to teach this attribute.
If you missed our cute ABC Quiet Book for sacrament meeting from last week be sure to check it out. This is a great way to help improve reverence and keep thoughts on the Savior during church with your little kids. This is a separate downloadable file for members. If you want this cute book and don’t have a membership grab it in our shop. Please notice these are 4×6 prints. They slide perfectly into a simple photo album.
If you are needing daily reminders to help keep you on top of teaching your family in your home be sure to follow us on Instagram.
If you find yourself off track and needing more support grab a schedule. Again, if you are a member this is included in your downloads. It really helps me stay where we need to be.
Not a member? You are missing out! For just $5 a month you can sign up for exclusive emails, access to every lesson in 2019 for the New Testament study and each lesson to come. A Mom recently sent me this email, “Thank you, thank you! Our first big lesson each week is held Sunday and last night was amazing! When we were done two hours had gone by and we didn’t even realize it. These lessons are changing lives!” Our lessons work! They are effective! They come right from a teacher and a Mom. When used by parents in the home consistently that is where the power comes. It starts with you, the parent. Keep up the good work! You are doing the right thing by prioritizing gospel learning in your home. It is not easy and it is not always joyful. I get it! Yet, at the end of the day I know you will be blessed for your efforts. As will your children.
Til next time!
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