Continue Ye in My Love, Last Supper

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Don’t miss out on making the Come Follow Me lesson come to life in your home. Our lessons strive to bring the bible stories to life while building testimonies of our Savior. Created by an elementary teacher, Mom of four, and lover of children the activities and hands on learning really make sense when teaching kids. If you want exclusive access to all the materials from the 2019 new testament lesson and each week going forward just grab a membership

The last supper is the main focus of this week. You can refer to the summary sheet provided for all the details. We encourage you to watch the video on the last supper while you eat your own last supper together. You can grab the apostle of old flip book, print some extra images to tape on the chairs around your table, then let children pretend to be the apostle who’s seat they are sitting at. Recreating and taking part in this event made these apostles come to life for me. It made me realize they were real people, with real names, and real faces. Odd how something so small can bring about such great truths. 

My kids are still talking about Judas Iscariot and Simon. I encourage you to share the stories you know about each apostle. The sad and inspiring truth is that nearly all of them died because they were preaching of Christ. 



You get to make this last supper craft after your meal together. 

The prints for the table come in black and white and colored. If your children love to color I suggest using the black and white apostles and they can make them their own.

These are beautifully hand drawn by The Wood Coop. Use brown construction paper to recreate the last supper scene. Instructions for prep are on Instagram in the highlight bubble titled “week 22” or on your materials. My kids worked on these happily for a solid thirty minutes and it was joyous!

The whole family got in on the fun! Dad helped the little one and the other kids could do it on their own. My boys and girls enjoyed making their own last supper table. 

The apostle of old flip chart is perfect for sacrament meeting. This makes a great flip book especially for early readers. My first grade daughter likes to read the names and try to memorize them. If you have a membership you can access this cute quiet book in your downloads. Otherwise the apostles of old flip book is in  our shop on our website!

This beautiful quote is included in your materials from our dear President Monson. It goes perfectly with what Christ taught at the last supper. You can display it in your home all week. Use the cute hearts for the song that matches it when you teach about the importance of love.

Don’t forget that it is a new month so you can switch your focus print. This is May’s print! If you haven’t grabbed these prints that align with the manual and add Christ centered words to your home, do so now. They are just $4 for 12 prints in our shop.

Follow us on Instagram where I coach parents each week on the lesson and explain all the materials. Don’t miss out on exclusive giveaways and daily reminders to keep you on track!

We enjoy hearing from real families using our lessons. Please snap a picture and share plus tag us @comefollowmefhe on Instagram or email us a message about what you loved this week. This enters you for a chance to be featured every Friday and win a free download!


Best to you!


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