September 14 - September 20 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Arise and Come Forth Unto Me by Come Follow Me FHE

September 14 – September 20 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Arise and Come Forth Unto Me

Begin this Come Follow Me lesson by showing the world map. Let one child point to Jerusalem, where Christ was crucified and another child point to where the Nephites lived.  

September 14 - September 20 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Arise and Come Forth Unto Me by Come Follow Me FHE

Discuss how the Nephites knew that Christ had died because of the signs. Read 3 Nephi 8 and let the children use the Lacing Cards as you discuss the signs. 

September 14 - September 20 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Arise and Come Forth Unto Me by Come Follow Me FHE

Continue reading 3 Nephi 9:1-12 and let the older children complete the Destruction of the Land Matching Activity as you read.

September 14 - September 20 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Arise and Come Forth Unto Me by Come Follow Me FHE

Teach how Christ then showed himself to the Nephite people. Let the children make the Christ Descending Out of Heaven Activity.

September 14 - September 20 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Arise and Come Forth Unto Me by Come Follow Me FHE

Show the 3 Nephi 9:18 print. Read the scripture together and talk about what it means. Let each child wear an I Am The Light pin.

September 14 - September 20 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Arise and Come Forth Unto Me by Come Follow Me FHE

For a bonus activity this week read 3 Nephi 10:6. Let the children create the Christ Gathers His People Plate Craft. Discuss ways you can help Christ gather his people.

September 14 - September 20 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Arise and Come Forth Unto Me by Come Follow Me FHE

Another bonus idea you could do this week is watch the video The Testament: One Fold One Shepherd of Jesus Christ. This video depicts what was happening in America leading up to Christ’s appearance to the Nephites. There is a QR Code on your lesson summary page for a direct link to the video.

See your lesson summary page and materials for more activities!

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Enjoy this Come Follow Me Lesson!

Come Follow Me FHE Team 

September 14 - September 20 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Arise and Come Forth Unto Me by Come Follow Me FHE

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