“I Would That I Could Persuade All … to Repent”

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids Lesson 44 | October 28–November 3 | Mormon 1-6

Though the Nephites had endured countless pride cycles of wickedness and repentance, this would be the last time. Mormon himself shares his people’s final fall into darkness and depravity. For “there were no gifts from the Lord, and the Holy Ghost did not come upon any, because of their wickedness and unbelief” (Mormon 1:14).

Yet even amidst these trials, Mormon’s testimony of Christ gave him strength, allowing him to still share the message of the gospel with those who would still listen. Are we among them? How often do we read and ponder the words of Christ given to us by prophets? As Jesus declared, “Search the prophets, for many there be that testify of these things” (3 Nephi 23:5).

This week’s Come Follow Me FHE lessons teaches these principles from the scriptures themselves. Each lesson includes everything you need to make Come, Follow Me fun for your kids! Join our membership for only $10 a month, and you’ll gain access to a treasure trove of resources to strengthen your family’s spiritual foundation and growth.

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Elementary Bundle Lessons & Activities​

This week, teach your children the chapters of Alma 43-52. You will find an activity book for your children (one for ages 3-6 and one for ages 7+). Print your activity book pages, then cut all of them in half, except the cover. You will fold the cover in half to help keep the pages together. Put all your pages in order inside the cover and then staple along the left-hand edge to keep it together. Make one book for each of your children (see lesson for details).

Bonding Balloon Tennis

Go & Do Activity

Mormon loved the Nephites with “all of his heart” regardless of the wicked and evil things they did. Mormon 3:12 describes his feelings towards them. Heavenly Father wants us to love everyone. Help your family see the importance of loving others with a Bonding Balloon Tennis activity.

Brand New in Christ

Hands-On Activity

Have you ever seen a penny go from tarnished to looking brand new? Try this Shiny Pennies Experiment to teach your children that feeling Godly sorrow as we repent changes our hearts, just as the penny changes. Pair your experiment with Mormon 2:8, 10-15 which teaches us about the Nephites’ remorse for their sins.

Be Like Christ

Surprise Activity

Mormon showed so many ways he exemplified Jesus Christ and followed in His footsteps. Using scriptures from Mormon 1-3, the Characteristics of Mormon Peek-A-Boo will guide your family in discussing Mormon’s character and how it was like the Savior’s in so many ways.

Ready to jump in and get immediate access to these activities and so much more? We’re excited to have you join the Come Follow Me FHE family. Subscribe now for only $10/month.

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Toddler Bundle Lessons & Activities​

For kids ages 1-4 at home and in nursery or sunbeams.

This week, we’ll be sharing the gospel with your little ones using the activity book in the Elementary Bundle. Be sure to use the activity book for younger children (Level 1, Recommended for ages 3-6). Print your activity book pages, then cut all of them in half, except the cover. You will fold the cover in half to help keep the pages together. Put all your pages in order inside the cover and then staple along the left-hand edge. Make one book for each of your children.

Eggcellent Mistakes

Hands-On Activity

Heavenly Father knew we would make wrong choices in life, so he sent us a Savior. As we repent, we can be forgiven. However, our hearts change through repentance when we have godly sorrow. Tell your child about the Nephites and their experience. Say, “The Nephites made some choices that were not good. Soon they began to realize what they did was wrong.” Ask, “Have you ever made a mistake? How did it make you feel? Let’s read Read Mormon 2:10 to see how they felt.” Describe how the Nephites started to feel what’s called godly sorrow. This means they felt so bad for what they did they began to cry because they knew their sins upset God. Help your child see that when we say we are sorry for our mistakes we need to mean it. If we truly feel bad for what we did, we will change. See the Eggcellent Object Lesson to show your child how godly sorrow helps change us inside like a raw egg changes to a hard-boiled egg after it has been in boiling water. Afterward, eat the “changed” egg as a yummy snack. Finish your activity by making the Eggcellent Peek-A-Boo visual aids to help your child remember what godly sorrow looks like. You can play a game where you open the peek-a-boo visual by cracking the egg and, based on the picture, your child tries to guess if it is godly sorrow or worldly sorrow, by saying “changed” or “not changed.”

The toddler bundle includes a lesson plan and three activities every week. Grab the toddler bundle in our subscription.

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Teen Bundle Lessons & Activities​

The Teen Bundle includes a study page with four thoughtful questions each week that align with a scripture from Come, Follow Me, an applicable challenge to accept each week, and an awesome video done by a current seminary teacher that brings a topic from the study to life for teens. Plus: each week comes with a scripture print to hang on their bathroom mirror, in their locker, etc. Check out this week’s Book of Mormon-themed teen bundle now!

Ready to jump in and get immediate access to these activities and so much more? We’re excited to have you join the Come Follow Me FHE family.

Subscribe now for only $10/month.

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