1. Celebrate Holy Week!

Begin the Sunday before Easter and learn about the last week of Christ’s life. There are important teachings and examples He leaves with us during His last week of ministry on the earth. Use eight gorgeous hand-drawn pictures with a mini-lesson on the back (print them double-sided) then place them all around your house. Visit one each day or complete all eight stops in one day with your family. As you go children will collect a sticker in the My Holy Week Passport to remind them of what they learned at each picture/day of holy week. We also offer a distributable version for primary presidencies to use if you want to do this activity as a ward family. Remember you can get reimbursed from the ward budget. This is included for all of our Come Follow Me Digital Members. Not a member? Visit our website to sign up.
2. 12 Days of Easter Tree:

This wonderful tabletop tree might be small, but it reminds us of such a big event. This finely laser-cut tree has a spot for each of the ornaments that go along with this devotional guide. To top it all off, this lines up with Holy Week perfectly! This can be the start of a great Easter tradition with your family and help remind each of us about why Easter is so important and how Christ should be a part of our lives. Order by Tuesday, March 12th to get the 12 Days of Easter Tree on time!
3. Coloring Page Bundle:

For just $1 get nine meaningful coloring pages about Christ this Easter season. Instead of coloring bunnies, this bundle provides a wonderful opportunity for you to focus on the real reason for the season, Jesus.
4. Easter Basket Book:

This child-friendly book is a simple way to tell the Easter story to your little ones. Print it at home, cut and bind them use it again and again. It even makes a good item for your church bag. What a beautiful book for kids to look at during the sacrament.
5. Resurrection Eggs:

Make your own resurrection egg set! I grew up using this every easter so of course, I had to recreate a fresh updated version for my own family. This is one of our favorite things to do at Easter. Each egg holds a slip of paper with scriptures on it that teach about Jesus’s trial, crucifixion, burial in the tomb, and resurrection along with an item. Open each egg as you learn about why we celebrate Easter.
6. Make palm leaves:

Use this free template to make palm leaves together. Then reenact the triumphant entry into Jerusalem as a family while you wave them and say “Hosanna” (Matthew 21:9) Find the template here.
7. Roll Away Tomb:

Find this adorable printable activity in our shop as a freebie to help your children visually see Christ being resurrected. Use this when you teach the Easter story and as you celebrate that He Lives. Consider singing Easter Hymns like He is Risen (Hymn 199), That Easter Morn (page 198), I Believe in Christ (Page 134) or Christ the Lord is Risen Today (page 200) together as you create and use this easter craft.
8. You’ve Been Egged Door Hanger:

Help your neighbors and loved ones remember Jesus this season by leaving them a surprise egg hunt with one egg left empty to represent that “He is not here, He is risen.” (Luke 24:6). Be sure to leave the door hanger on their door so they understand what this fun surprise is all about!