Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids Lesson 52 | December 23-29 | Christmas

From Nephi to Moroni, every prophet in the Book of Mormon shared a singular, sacred purpose: to convince all people that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Some, like Nephi, saw the Savior’s mortal ministry in vision. Others, like Alma the Younger, were witnesses to thousands of His power over sin. Some, like Samuel the Lamanite, proclaimed the signs of His birth and death. And still others, like the Twelve Disciples, felt the wounds in His resurrected body.
All of them knew this eternal truth: “that salvation might come unto the children of men even through faith on his name” (Mosiah 3:9). As we celebrate Christmas and remember the birth of our Savior, let us ponder with our families the personal impact of His coming on our lives. The Book of Mormon can deepen our faith in Christ and help us understand the true meaning of this sacred season.
May we experience the joy of Christmas—the gift of Jesus Christ.
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Elementary Bundle Lessons & Activities
The lesson for this week is simplified but intentional to focus your thoughts and efforts on the Savior and His birth. We hope you take the time to use the activities provided to incorporate the light of Christ into your lives and into this special season.
Ornament Tree
Go & Do Activity
Use the ornament key and tree activity to reflect on the symbols of Christ. The
ornaments teach about the symbols of Christmas we see all around us at Christmas time. Hold up each ornament as they’re mentioned in the story and place them on the tree. The key is designed to discuss two ornaments a day for the week before Christmas. However, you can do this as a family night activity all in one evening instead. Take time to talk about the names of Christ on each ornament.

Christmas Coloring Page
Scripture Study
Read Helaman 14:5-8 with your family. Discuss the prophecies of Christ’s birth and what things may have amazed you and caused you to wonder as you color the “Jesus Christ was Born to Be My Savior” coloring page.

Graham Cracker Nativity
Hands-On Activity
Gather together as a family to make a graham cracker nativity scene. As you build a stable from the graham crackers and frosting, talk about the story of Christ’s birth and what it might have been like to be there. Reflect on the points of view of all those involved on that starry night. Display your nativity scene where you’ll see it all week, to be reminded of the gift of our Savior.

Ready to jump in and get immediate access to these activities and so much more? We’re excited to have you join the Come Follow Me FHE family. Subscribe now for only $10/month.
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Toddler Bundle Lessons & Activities
For kids ages 1-4 at home and in nursery or sunbeams.
This week, we’ll be sharing the gospel with your little ones using the activity book in the Elementary Bundle. Be sure to use the activity book for younger children (Level 1, Recommended for ages 3-6). Print your activity book pages, then cut all of them in half, except the cover. You will fold the cover in half to help keep the pages together. Put all your pages in order inside the cover and then staple along the left-hand edge. Make one book for each of your children.
Birthday Party for Jesus!
Go & Do Activity
In honor of Christmas, throw a birthday party for Jesus to celebrate His coming into the world! As you reflect on the Book of Mormon study you have done this year, think about how your life has changed or been blessed because of the birth of our Savior. Start your birthday party by setting the scene and decorating for the special occasion. Hand out the invitations. Hang the “Happy Birthday Jesus Banner!” and make the birthday party hats to wear. Bake and decorate your favorite cake to celebrate, sing “Happy Birthday” and blow out candles! Put a placemat for each person in your family attending at the table. Let your children color the placemats and contemplate what their gift to Jesus this year could be as they enjoy their cake. See lesson for more details.

The toddler bundle includes a lesson plan and three activities every week. Grab the toddler bundle in our subscription.
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Teen Bundle Lessons & Activities
The Teen Bundle includes a study page with four thoughtful questions each week that align with a scripture from Come, Follow Me, an applicable challenge to accept each week, and an awesome video done by a current seminary teacher that brings a topic from the study to life for teens. Plus: each week comes with a scripture print to hang on their bathroom mirror, in their locker, etc. Check out this week’s Book of Mormon-themed teen bundle now!

Ready to jump in and get immediate access to these activities and so much more? We’re excited to have you join the Come Follow Me FHE family.
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