Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids Lesson 9 | February 24–March 2 | Doctrine and Covenants 18

“I am a Child of God, and He has sent me here.” While we know this to be the opening line to a Primary song, the doctrine taught in this sentence was a key part of the Restoration of the gospel. This divine truth was made clear even before the Church was organized when, in 1829, the Lord told the prophet Joseph to “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God” (D&C 18:10).
We as parents should help our kids understand the importance of this doctrine, that they are loved sons and daughters of God. Their friends are loved. Their teachers are loved. Even those who might be unkind to them on the playground are still loved children of our Father in Heaven. Knowing this can greatly change our perspective when we have difficulties with others.
Come Follow Me FHE lessons include everything you need to make family study fun for your kids! Empower your children to love the gospel with our scripture-focused lesson activities. Start your free trial now!
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Elementary Bundle Lessons & Activities
The lesson for this week is simplified but intentional to focus your thoughts and efforts on the Savior and His birth. We hope you take the time to use the activities provided to incorporate the light of Christ into your lives and into this special season
Scripture Stepping Stones
Scripture Study
Help your family learn about Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer searching out the 12 Apostles as you read D&C 18:26-36. Jump from one “stepping stone” to another as you read each verse out loud. At the end of all the verses, you will reach the picture of the year 1835 Quorum of the 12 Apostles. Share your testimony of the Lord’s Apostles and things you have learned from them.

Your Biggest Fan
Go & Do Activity
Have fun making “#1 Fan” T-shirts with your family. Each person will make a shirt to cheer on another family member. After making your T-shirts read D&C 18:10. Explain that Heavenly Father loves all of His children and we are of great worth to Him. He is your #1 fan! It’s good to celebrate and remind each other that we have worth.

Follow The North Star
Hands-On Activity
Read D&C 18:35-36 with your family. Discuss how we can have the words of God that He reveals to our prophet. Play the Follow The North Star Board Game. Discuss how just like the North Star can guide us, we have been given a prophet and apostles to be our “North Star.” If we follow them we will always find our way back to Heavenly Father.

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Toddler Bundle Lessons & Activities
For kids ages 1-4 at home and in nursery or sunbeams.
Descriptions of Christ
Hands-On Activity
Before the lesson, collect sticky notes and a picture of Christ. Start by reading D&C 18:21 and invite your child to clap when they hear the mystery word! The mystery word is “name.” Explain that when we get baptized we take upon us the name of Christ. That means that we do all that we can to be like Him. Teach that even though we don’t get baptized until we are 8 years old, we can still practice taking upon us the name of Christ by trying our best to be like Him. Set a timer for 3 minutes and together come up with words to describe Christ and write them down on the sticky notes. To help with wiggles, you could place the picture of Christ on the floor a small distance away and have your child run or walk to go stick the describing words on Christ. After doing this, have your child go and pick one of the attributes off of Christ and use that as something that you can work on doing to become like Christ. Then go and do something together that can help strengthen that characteristic. For example, if you use the word “kind” to describe Christ, go and do something kind like making a card for someone that is having a hard time.

The toddler bundle includes a lesson plan and three activities every week. Grab the toddler bundle in our subscription.
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Teen Bundle Lessons & Activities
The Teen Bundle includes a study page with four thoughtful questions each week that align with a scripture from Come, Follow Me, an applicable challenge to accept each week, and an awesome video done by a current seminary teacher that brings a topic from the study to life for teens. Plus: each week comes with a scripture print to hang on their bathroom mirror, in their locker, etc. Check out this week’s Book of Mormon-themed teen bundle now!

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