Small Business Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids featured by Come Follow Me FHE

A Dozen Of Our Best Small Business Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids

We love to shop and support small businesses. We wanted to share a few of our favorite Christmas gift ideas for kids that we think will make great gifts for family and friends this year!

1. Play At Home Toddler Sensory Kits

My daughter loves these and can play with them for hours. They have tons of themed kits that are so cute and each one is different. Use the code “HOLIDAY10” for 10% off.

2. Merry Bells

These Merry Bells make the best memories! Everyone can participate, it teaches music, and it’s a great way for the family to connect and have fun together. Use the code ““CFMFHE10” for 10% off.

Small Business Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids featured by Come Follow Me FHE

3. JM Porium Felt Kits

These are high end felt kits that our family enjoys! This Christmas set creates a fun way to retell the Christmas story with little ones. They also have academic and fun felt sets like dinosaurs, abc’s, and more! Use the code “CFMFHE20” for 20% off.

Small Business Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids featured by Come Follow Me FHE

4. Kanga Toys

We love the water works books for The Book of Mormon and Bible! They make great stocking stuffers and are awesome during sacrament meeting. Use the code ““CFMFHE15” for 15% off.

5. The Sunday Sketch Book

These would make the cutest stocking stuffers! Lovely books for kids with darling artwork.

6. Norman The Latter-day Saint Books

LDS children’s books with a fun mouse character named Norman. We have many and love them all! There are soft cover picture books and board books. Use the code “CFMFHE20” for 20% off.

Small Business Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids featured by Come Follow Me FHE

7. Palm and Fig Books

These are board books with beautiful illustrations that teach beautiful messages and truths! My kids love them especially during sacrament meeting. Use the code “CFMFHE10” for 10% off.

8. Book of Mormon and D&C Coloring Books

These coloring books are a great way to review what we have learned this year in D&C and last year in The Book of Mormon study. We love using these markers to color with and they would be a great addition as a gift with the coloring books.

9. Freckled Pine

The cutest blankets that are also play mats and come with peg dolls! There are many different styles and are great quality. They are a huge hit at our house. My daughter loves her blanket and carries it around everywhere. Use the code ““FHE10” for 10% off.

10. Tausha’s Art Prints

Beautiful LDS art, stickers, and temple necklaces and bracelets. Great gift options for older kids, teens and even yourself! Use the code “CFMFHE10” for 10% off.

Small Business Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids featured by Come Follow Me FHE

11. Grandpa Becks Games

Family friendly games. Great for all ages! Grandpa Becks games are a favorite at our house and he has so many! Here are 4 of our favorites.

12. Little Mama Shirt Shop

CUTEST matching sets for Mamas and kids. Shirts, beanies, sweaters and more! You can get a coupon when you sign up for their newsletter or texting.

We hope that these Christmas gift ideas for kids from small businesses bring your family joy this Christmas season!

Happy Holidays!

Come Follow Me FHE Team 

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