April 19 - April 25 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: My Law To Govern My Church featured by Come Follow Me FHE

My Law To Govern My Church

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 17 | April 19 - April 25

We have multiple Come Follow Me subscriptions and multiple activities in each subscription to help you find what works best for your family. Our goal is to help families come closer to Christ and we’ve worked really hard on providing more options to help achieve our goal.

Toddler Come Follow Me Activity

Go for a short walk outside. Ask your child what they see and hear. Talk about each item they list in more detail. After returning from your walk read D&C 42:49-50. Teach that through faith we can see and hear what God wants us to. Then play the “Faith to See and Hear Matching Game.” Lay out the big pictures and put the smaller pictures in a bowl. Let each child pick a small picture and match it to the bigger picture. Repeat until all the matches have been found. Play again but this time you pick a small picture and make the corresponding sound. Let each child listen to the sound and find the big picture that makes that same sound.

Simplified Come Follow Me Activity

Discuss as a family acts of service you have done for others or that others have done for you. Then discuss specific acts of service that can be done around the home. Let each child make an “Acts of Service Coupon Book” and give it to you to use throughout the week.

April 19 - April 25 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: My Law To Govern My Church featured by Come Follow Me FHE

Standard Come Follow Me Activities

The Standard Activities includes the Simplified activity and more!

April 19 - April 25 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: My Law To Govern My Church featured by Come Follow Me FHE


Read D&C 42:2 and discuss what obedience means as a family. Use the “Obedience Ice Cream Stack” to help with your discussion. For younger kids you can read the example scenario and question listed on each ice cream scoop. Older children they can come up with their own examples of how they can obey. Once you have discussed how you can obey with each situation add the ice cream scoop to the cone to make a stack. You can consider having ice cream as a treat after the lesson.


As a family read D&C 43:1-7. Discuss how the Lord leads his church through his prophet. Sing the song Latter-day Prophets in the Children’s Songbook. Then play the “Pick the Prophet Mix Up Game.” To play lay out all of the cards face down. Let each person pick a card one at a time. Flip over a card. If it’s not the prophet leave the card face up and let the next person choose a card. Keep going until someone chooses the prophet. If you “Pick the Prophet” you win and get a treat. Turn the cards back over and play again.

April 19 - April 25 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: My Law To Govern My Church featured by Come Follow Me FHE


Create the “Service Countdown Chain.” Use it all week to do an act of service each day. Encourage each family member to write down or share about their experience serving during the week. Read D&C 42:38 and discuss that when you serve others you are serving God.

Premium Extras for April

The extra premium materials will only be available in your account during the current month, April 1st-30th.

Dots Singing Time Activity

April 2021 Come Follow Me Theme a family home evening activities featured by Come Follow Me FHE

Jesus Has Risen Song Chart

April 2021 Come Follow Me Theme a family home evening activities featured by Come Follow Me FHE

Two Recipes

Merry Mail: 10 I Spy Pages

April 2021 Come Follow Me Theme a family home evening activities featured by Come Follow Me FHE

See your lesson summary page and materials for more activities and QR codes to videos that go along with what we are learning about this week!

If you currently have a Come Follow Me FHE lesson subscription you can access the materials by logging into your account, click on “My Account” and then click on “Downloads.” The most current lesson will always be listed at the bottom. If you don’t have a subscription you can purchase one by clicking on the subscribe tab on the top left corner or you can buy the lessons and premium goodies individually in our shop.

Enjoy this Come Follow Me Lesson!

Come Follow Me FHE Team 

April 19 - April 25 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: My Law To Govern My Church featured by Come Follow Me FHE
April 19 - April 25 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: My Law To Govern My Church featured by Come Follow Me FHE
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