To start this week’s Come Follow Me lesson, show the picture of Moroni burying the gold plates in the Come Follow Me For Individuals and Families Manual. Let the kids find and point to Moroni, the gold plates, and the box the plates were buried in.
Read Moroni chapter 10 together and then color and create the Help Moroni Bury the Plates activity.

Show the Moroni Invites Us To… Print. Discuss what Moroni invites us to do after we have read the Book of Mormon. Accept Moroni’s challenge as a family. Pray together as a family. Challenge older children to do it on their own this week.

Show the Holy Ghost print and discuss how the Holy Ghost will be the one to answer your prayer and testify of the truth of the Book of Mormon. End the lesson by bearing your testimony about the Book of Mormon.

Play the Book of Mormon Review Game for a fun activity after the lesson. Or use it as a bonus activity later in the week.

Make your own gold plates by using yellow felt. Discuss how important it was to have the plates sealed until it was time for Joseph Smith to receive them.
Learn about gifts from God in Moroni 10:8-25. Make the Spiritual Gifts Mini Book.

Hold a family testimony meeting. Give each person time to write their testimony. Younger children can draw pictures. Then let everyone share what they wrote.

See your lesson summary page and materials for more activities and QR codes to videos that go along with what we are learning about this week!
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Enjoy this Come Follow Me Lesson!