God Is Love

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 50 | December 2 - December 8

Can you believe its already time to start preparing your lesson for the first week of December? We’ve almost made it an entire year doing the Come Follow Me curriculum! We hope our lessons have blessed your family and have brought an increase of the Spirit into your homes. We know this is a busy time of year but want to encourage you to remember to do Come Follow Me. We have some fun lessons and activities ahead to get us through the rest of the year.

This weeks lessons is “God is Love.” Start your lesson by reading John 13:23 and 20:2. It talks about John’s experience feeling the Savior’s love. One way we can show the Savior that we love him is by keeping the commandments. 

Print and hang the God Is Love tree. This can be hung in your home all month long. Let everyone put an ornament on the tree and read what it says aloud.

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Read 1 John 4:12 (including the Joseph Smith Translation) and talk about people in the scriptures that have seen God. Do the trust fall activity and relate it to this verse. 

Read and discuss 1 John chapter 5 and the section in the manual on page 187 under “As I exercise faith….” Use the coloring page to help teach the truths taught in these readings. 

You can also use the fun “Contend For The Faith matching game” to help teach the principles in the reading for this week, 1-3 John and Jude.

One of the bonus activities this week is to read 1 John 2:8-11. Walk into a dark room and talk about how it feels to be in the dark. Turn on a flashlight and then talk about how loving others brings light into our lives. We’ve provided a light print you can give each child. You may consider attaching it to a small flashlight.

Now that it’s December it’s time to change your monthly focus print. We hope you have enjoyed these focus prints all year. We are so excited to have a new set next year for Book of Mormon. Watch for them to come to our shop soon!


You can access the lesson materials by logging into your account, click on “My Account” and then click on “Downloads.” The most current lesson will always be listed at the bottom. If you do not currently have a membership with us you can subscribe here for access to this weeks lesson. 


Come Follow Me FHE Team

Photos by: Janalee Berentzen

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