Another Testament of Jesus Christ

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 2 | December 30 - January 5

This is the first lesson for our Book of Mormon study! We hope you are just as excited as we are! If you have a workbook, now is time for you to start using them. You will find the summary pages and instruction sheets in the parent/teacher manual and all of the materials in the kids activities book. If you didn’t get a workbook but want one be sure to come back to our website for volume 2 preorders to sign up for the ongoing subscription and have the workbooks mailed to your door each quarter without having to remember to purchase again.

Begin the lesson by reading the introductory page in the Book of Mormon. A fun way to keep everyone engaged is by doing popcorn reading. This means one member of the family reads a few sentences and then calls on another family member. Answer the questionnaire as you read.

Print the 18×24 scripture poster for your family and display it in your home all year, or print the smaller version for each family member. Each week write one verse from your reading in one of the shapes and at the end of the year you’ll have 50 favorite scriptures from the Book of Mormon. Or choose one scripture every month for 12 favorite scriptures at the end of the year.

You may notice that our summary sheets are formatted a little differently. But don’t worry, we still provide one main lesson and multiple bonus activities you can do throughout the week.

This week we provide two QR codes to watch videos about the Book of Mormon and being a witness of Christ.

Learn about being a seer. Get two rocks and write Urim on one and Thummim on the other. Teach about how these are similar to what Joseph Smith used to translate the Book of Mormon. Complete the Be A Seer page and Joseph Smith coloring page in your materials.

The Book of Mormon teaches about the Plan of Salvation. Print cut and laminate the Plan of Salvation puzzle and talk about each piece as you put the puzzle together. It will be one large stripe when it is completed. 

Make sure to read your summary sheet for more details and more activity ideas.

If you currently have a monthly or yearly subscription you can access the lesson materials by logging into your account, click on “My Account” and then click on “Downloads.” The most current lesson will always be listed at the bottom. If you don’t have a monthly or yearly membership you can purchase one by clicking on the subscribe tab on the top left corner or you can buy the lesson individually in our shop.


Come Follow Me FHE Team 

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