Glory, and Power, Be unto…the Lamb for Ever

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 51 | December 9 - December 15

This week is going to be so much fun! We are going to have a party!

Before the lesson be sure to read Revelations 1-11 and ponder on what it is teaching. You may feel inspired to summarize some of the main ideas you learn about in your study with your family. You’ll also want to prepare for the activities in this lesson ahead of time.

As a family read Revelation 3:20 while looking at the picture in the manual on page 193. Talk about ways you can invite Christ into your life, home, and heart. 

Decorate your home for a birthday party. We’ve included a banner in your materials to use. Complete the invitation with a date (can be later that evening or another day of the week). Let each child write how they will invite Christ into their lives. You can talk about it as a family and make a poster to hang up next to the banner.

Now it’s time to party! Color the party hats to wear during the party and complete the cupcake craft. You can color the cupcake or use paint or glitter. 

Light candles, sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and eat cake and ice cream as a fun way to celebrate Christ’s birth. 

Your lesson bundle also includes paper bracelets for the kids to wear all week to remember to invite Christ into our lives.

See our summary page for a bonus idea on how to play hide and seek. with these cute lambs. Be sure to talk about how Christ cares about each of us as you play.

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Come Follow Me FHE Team

Photos by: Janalee Berentzen

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