Begin your Come Follow Me lesson with the emotion cards included in your materials and discuss each emotion and when each child may have felt that way. Then explain that through all of these emotions Christ is with us.
After reading Alma 7:7-16 complete the candle object lesson and discuss what you learn.
There are a lot of verses in Alma chapter 5 that talk about repentance. As you read these scriptures together younger children can complete the coloring page of Alma.

Use the backpack object lesson to review the steps of repentance and discuss how Christ can make our load lighter.

End the lesson with your testimony and then play the Seek the Shepherd board game.

For one of the bonus lessons this week you will need color changing markers. You can purchase them here:
Use the colored side of the marker to color in the heart and then use the white side to change the color as you talk about what it means to have a change of heart.
Other bonus activities this week include a testimony box to talk about how to nourish our testimonies and a scripture story guide. See your lesson summary page for more bonus ideas.
This Come Follow Me lesson is available to all digital subscribers. You can access the lesson materials by logging into your account, click on “My Account” and then click on “Downloads.” The most current lesson will always be listed at the bottom. If you don’t have a subscription you can purchase one by clicking on the subscribe tab on the top left corner or you can buy the lesson individually in our shop.
Come Follow Me FHE Team
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