This week the main lesson is focused on Alma and Amulek in prison. After reading Alma chapter 14 use the story timeline to help summarize the story.

Create the foldable prison and let the children try to summarize the story on their own.

We’ve also included a coloring page that can be colored during the lesson.

Read Alma 13:1-19 and have a discussion about how the priesthood is the power of God. Display the priesthood print and share experiences you’ve had when the priesthood has helped you in your life.

Let each child make a necklace and have them repeat “The priesthood is the power of God.”

There is a neat object lesson that we recommend using for a bonus activity this week. For the object lesson you will need an old white shirt, a pen, and hairspray. Follow the directions provided in your lesson materials.

Use the priesthood string activity for another bonus activity as you discuss how the priesthood brings you closer to Christ.

See your summary sheets for more bonus ideas like having a scavenger hunt. This week also includes scripture story guides.

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Enjoy this Come Follow Me Lesson!
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