The lesson format is a little bit different this week than usual. Use your lesson summary page to follow along each day for the reading and activity to do. Also included on the summary page are some creative ideas for how to keep your children engaged while reading as a family.
Day 1: Read Alma chapter 17. Discuss what it means to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord. Complete the story of Ammon sequencing activity to review the story and finish by completing the coloring page.
Day 2: Before reading color and create the stick puppets. As you read chapter 18 let the children hold up the stick puppet when Ammon or King Lamoni is talking. A key has been provided at the bottom of the instructions page.

Day 3: Read chapter 19 and color and create the King Lamoni body puppet. Let the children move King Lamoni to laying asleep then awake. It may also be fun to read this chapter on your bed and let the children act out being King Lamoni. Finish by coloring the I Can Repent like King Lamoni coloring page.

Day 4: Give each child a map to Middoni activity page. As you chapter 20 have them draw in the things that happen along the way to Middoni.

Day 5: Share some personal missionary experiences with your family. Explain that we don’t have to go on a mission to share the gospel. We can be missionaries now. Read chapter 21 then let the children draw ways they can be a missionary. Use the world map as a playdough map and explain that the gospel will be preached all over the world.

Day 6: Read chapter 22. King Lamoni explains basic truth’s to his father. Color the basic truths coloring page.

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