May 3 - May 9 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Seek Ye Earnestly The Best Gifts by Come Follow Me FHE

Seek Ye Earnestly The Best Gifts

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 19 | May 3 - May 9

We have multiple Come Follow Me subscriptions and multiple activities in each subscription to help you find what works best for your family. Our goal is to help families come closer to Christ and we’ve worked really hard on providing more options to help achieve our goal.

Toddler Come Follow Me Activity

Give your child a small treat and ask them to share it with the rest of the family. Talk about how we feel when we share with others. Explain that Heavenly Father blesses us when we share. In D&C 48 we learn that the early saints were asked to share what they had to help others. They shared their land, food, and even their homes. Ask what items your child can share with others. Some ideas include their toys, clothes, and food. Color the “I Can Help Others By Sharing Coloring Page.” Consider gathering food items as a family and donating them to a local food bank.

Simplified Come Follow Me Activity

This week we challenge you to invite someone to primary, church, or a church activity. Visit your church building on Sunday (or any other day) and take a picture with the “All Are Welcome Here Print.” Post your picture on social media to let everyone know they are welcome! Tag us @comefollowmefhe and use the #comewithmetoprimary to be entered to win a Chick-Fil-A gift card. See Instagram this week for more information!

May 3 - May 9 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Seek Ye Earnestly The Best Gifts by Come Follow Me FHE

Standard Come Follow Me Activities

The Standard Activities includes the Simplified activity and more!

May 3 - May 9 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Seek Ye Earnestly The Best Gifts by Come Follow Me FHE


Read D&C 48. Use the “Gift Sort” to teach your children about spiritual gifts. Cut out the images and place them in a bag. Let everyone have a turn picking a card and reading it. Sort them on the the sheet in the category of spiritual gift or physical gift. Discuss each gift as you go. To finish, hand out the “My Spiritual Gifts Page” and let each family member write or draw their spiritual gifts.


Read Doctrine and Covenants 46:11-12. Use the Passage to Ponder to help everyone memorize these verses. Discuss how each of you can use your spiritual gifts to bless the lives of others.

May 3 - May 9 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Seek Ye Earnestly The Best Gifts by Come Follow Me FHE


Use the “Keeping Our Records Mini Book” to help your children learn the importance of keeping a record. It could also be fun to look at past photo books, scrapbooks or baby books or read part of past journal entries that are significant to your family. At the end make a goal for how you and your family can keep a record.

Premium Extras for May

The extra premium materials will only be available in your account during the current month, May 1st-31st.

Poppin’ Good Time Singing Time Activity

May Come Follow Me activities by Come Follow Me FHE

Have I Done Any Good? Song Chart

May Come Follow Me activities by Come Follow Me FHE

Two Recipes

Merry Mail: Mother’s Day Bundle

See your lesson summary page and materials for more activities and QR codes to videos that go along with what we are learning about this week!

If you currently have a Come Follow Me FHE lesson subscription you can access the materials by logging into your account, click on “My Account” and then click on “Downloads.” The most current lesson will always be listed at the bottom. If you don’t have a subscription you can purchase one by clicking on the subscribe tab on the top left corner or you can buy the lessons and premium goodies individually in our shop.

Enjoy this Come Follow Me Lesson!

Come Follow Me FHE Team 

May 3 - May 9 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Seek Ye Earnestly The Best Gifts by Come Follow Me FHE
May 3 - May 9 Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids: Seek Ye Earnestly The Best Gifts by Come Follow Me FHE
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