A Marvelous Work and a Wonder

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 11 | March 11 - March 17 | 2 Nephi 26-30

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids Lesson 11 | March 11-17 | 2 Nephi 26-30

Like his father Lehi, the prophet Nephi was gifted with extraordinary visions of God’s children. He was shown many things to help give him purpose as the leader of his people and to know what to write in record. He even saw the last days which we live in now, emphasizing that above all, “except ye shall keep the commandments of God ye shall all likewise perish” (2 Nephi 30:1). This week’s lesson will help your family come to see a little of what Nephi saw and understand our own purpose for living at a time near Christ’s Second Coming. 

Check out some highlights from this week’s Come Follow Me lesson below! Access these enriching lessons and everything you need to make Come Follow Me a success for your kids when you join our membership. For only $10 a month, you’ll gain access to a treasure trove of resources to strengthen your family’s spiritual foundation and growth.

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Elementary Bundle Lessons & Activities​

The elementary bundle is a treasure trove for kids aged 4-11, featuring activities that instill key principles. Let’s explore three highlights:

“Don’t Be Deceived” Worksheet

Scripture Study

Talk with your family about how Satan tries to deceive us. He likes to tell lies about God’s truths. Work together to complete the matches on the “Satan Works Hard to Deceive Us” worksheet included with the lesson.

Baking Line Upon Line

Go & Do Activity

Get ready to bake! As a family read 2 Nephi 28:30-31. In the scriptures, Nephi teaches us that we learn spiritual truths little by little. Nephi called it “line upon line.” Talk about how you can learn a little more each day and what will happen if you do. Then, have fun baking your favorite recipe “line upon line.”

Paper Craft of Christ

Hands-On Activity

Work together to make the “Christ Wants Everyone to Come Unto Him” paper plate craft and then read 2 Nephi 26:23-28, 33. Help your children understand that Christ loves everyone and desires all to partake of His divine gift of salvation.

Ready to jump in and get immediate access to these activities and so much more? We’re excited to have you join the Come Follow Me FHE family. Subscribe now for only $10/month.

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Toddler Bundle Lessons & Activities​

For kids ages 1-4 at home and in nursery or sunbeams. The toddler bundle Includes a full lesson plan with THREE activities that align with scripture written by an early childhood educator. These include a coloring page, another printable activity, and a movement activity that helps young children understand the scriptures. Here are a couple of highlights from this week’s lesson.

Book of Mormon Freeze Game

Movement Activity

Gather your little ones for a lively game of the Book of Mormon Freeze Game. Set the stage by singing “Book of Mormon Stories” and introducing them to key figures from the scriptures. As you play, teach them about the importance of The Book of Mormon and its role in testifying of Christ. Let the music guide their movements, and encourage them to freeze like the characters from the scriptures. Finish with your testimony of The Book of Mormon and its blessings in your life.

The toddler bundle includes a lesson plan and three activities every week. Grab the toddler bundle in our subscription.

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Teen Bundle Lessons & Activities​

The Teen Bundle includes a study page with four thoughtful questions each week that align with a scripture from Come Follow Me, an applicable challenge to accept each week, and an awesome video done by a current seminary teacher that brings a topic from the study to life for teens. Plus: each week comes with a scripture print to hang on their bathroom mirror, in their locker, etc. Check out this week’s Book of Mormon-themed teen bundle now!

Ready to jump in and get immediate access to these activities and so much more? We’re excited to have you join the Come Follow Me FHE family.

Subscribe now for only $10/month.

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