We have multiple Come Follow Me subscriptions and multiple activities in each subscription to help you find what works best for your family. Our goal is to help families come closer to Christ and we’ve worked really hard on providing more options to help achieve our goal.
Toddler Come Follow Me Activity
Show your child a family photo book or record book. Explain that because you have kept a record book you can remember things that are important to you. Heavenly Father has taught us that it is important to keep records too. With your child complete the “I Can Keep Record Activity Book.” Read D&C 128:2-4 and explain that we keep records in the temple. These records will be known in heaven and earth to help further the work of the gospel. Let your child take photos of your home and family to keep record.
Simplified Come Follow Me Activity
Read Doctrine and Covenants 128:18. Share family history stories or stories from your childhood. Then let each person complete the “Family Tree Page.”

Standard Come Follow Me Activities
The Standard Activities includes the Simplified activity and more!

This week the passage to ponder is slightly longer. Make sure to take extra time studying D&C 127:4. As you study, share the principles you learn from this verse. Last week’s Church History Read Along goes well with this week’s lesson too. Review it with your family.

Read D&C 127:5-9. Show your family the “Baptism For The Dead Print” (we suggest printing this double sided). Read the back of the print and discuss the questions at the bottom.

Premium Extras for November
The extra premium materials will only be available in your account during the current month, November 1st-30th.
Turkey Pop Singing Time Activity

Family History – I Am Doing It Song Chart

Two Recipes
Carrot Cake Pumpkin Pie
Merry Mail: Thankful Turkey Hunt

See your lesson summary page and materials for more activities and QR codes to videos that go along with what we are learning about this week!
If you currently have a Come Follow Me FHE lesson subscription you can access the materials by logging into your account, click on “My Account” and then click on “Downloads.” The most current lesson will always be listed at the bottom. If you don’t have a subscription you can purchase one by clicking on the subscribe tab on the top left corner or you can buy the lessons and premium goodies individually in our shop.
Enjoy this Come Follow Me Lesson!