We have multiple Come Follow Me subscriptions and multiple activities in each subscription to help you find what works best for your family. Our goal is to help families come closer to Christ and we’ve worked really hard on providing more options to help achieve our goal.
Toddler Come Follow Me Activity

Show your children a picture of pioneers moving west. Teach them that they had to pack up all of their belongings, pack them in a covered wagon, and walk across the plains to build a new home in the Salt Lake Valley. Act out moving west by packing a back and going on walk. Sing “Covered Wagons” (Children’s Songbook page 221) and “Little Pioneer Children” (Children’s Songbook page 216). Read D&C 136:5 and color the pioneer coloring page. Then make a wagon snack with your child. Use the QR code on your lesson page for instructions.

Simplified Come Follow Me Activity
Use the “Covered Wagon Craft” and make a covered wagon. Discuss as a family what you would have put in your covered wagon back then or what you would put in your covered wagon today.
Standard Come Follow Me Activities
The Standard Activities includes the Simplified activity and more!

Read D&C 138:18-38. Focus on how everyone will have the opportunity to hear the gospel. Hide the “Children Around The World Print” somewhere in the room. Sing missionary songs as the children hunt for the picture. As they get closer to the picture, sing louder. When they move farther from the picture, sing quieter. After each child has a turn, explain just like we had to listen to the song to find the picture, all children will have the opportunity to listen to and accept the gospel.
Read D&C 137. Make the “Celestial Kingdom Booklet” to help you study and review the things you learned. Use the QR code on your lesson plan page for instructions on how to cut and fold the mini book.

Premium Extras for November
The extra premium materials will only be available in your account during the current month, November 1st-30th.
Turkey Pop Singing Time Activity

Family History – I Am Doing It Song Chart

Two Recipes
Carrot Cake Pumpkin Pie
Merry Mail: Thankful Turkey Hunt

See your lesson summary page and materials for more activities and QR codes to videos that go along with what we are learning about this week!
If you currently have a Come Follow Me FHE lesson subscription you can access the materials by logging into your account, click on “My Account” and then click on “Downloads.” The most current lesson will always be listed at the bottom. If you don’t have a subscription you can purchase one by clicking on the subscribe tab on the top left corner or you can buy the lessons and premium goodies individually in our shop.
Enjoy this Come Follow Me Lesson!