I Can Do All Things through Christ Which Strengtheneth Me

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 43 | October 14 - October 20

Our main focus for this lesson is to be rooted in Christ. Read and study the books of Philippians and Colossians to prepare for this week. Hang up the tree and let everyone talk about what keeps them rooted in Christ. 

There’s even a little personal tree included in the materials for a great handout so everyone can have their own.

We never forget to include a cute coloring page! This week it’s an illustrated version of the 13th Article of Faith. They can work on memorizing it while they color it. 

The reading this week is about Paul writing letters of joy and rejoicing even though he was in prison. This is a good lesson to learn and recognize how we can find happiness and joy even through our trials. As part of the lesson you can set up a table ahead of time of things that make you happy. Talk about each one and why it brings you happiness. Make it interactive by turning it into a memory game. Cover the items with a blanket, remove an item, uncover the items again and see if anyone can guess which item was removed. Hand out the Happy Display pages and let everyone draw things that make them happy. 

One of our favorite parts of the lesson bundle this week was The Don’t Eat Pete game. (You can also use it as your FHE treat! Double win!)

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Also included in your materials is a mystery scripture story and a scripture print of Helaman 5:12.

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Come Follow Me FHE Team

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