We have multiple Come Follow Me subscriptions and multiple activities in each subscription to help you find what works best for your family. Our goal is to help families come closer to Christ and we’ve worked really hard on providing more options to help achieve our goal.
Toddler Come Follow Me Activity
Look at a picture of a flower garden and point out all the different kinds of flowers. Relate this to friendship. Each friend is different but each one makes our lives more beautiful. Joseph Smith had friends that blessed his life. Read D&C 121:9. Cut out the “Friendship Garden Flowers.” Help your child color and decorate each flower. Write a friend’s name on each one, glue a popsicle stick to the back, and place the flowers in a jar. Share your thoughts about having good friends and how they have helped you or made your life more beautiful.
Simplified Come Follow Me Activity
Read Doctrine and Covenants 122:8. Discuss what it means to descend below all things. Complete the “Jesus Knows What I Am Going Through Color By Number Page.”

Standard Come Follow Me Activities
The Standard Activities includes the Simplified activity and more!

Watch a clip of the movie Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration, of Joseph in Liberty Jail starting at 43 minutes. After, discuss how Jesus Christ descended below all things. Sing the song “Gethsemane” and use the song chart to help teach the words.
Read D&C 121:1-8, 122:5-9, and 123:17. Discuss how Joseph Smith felt like everything was going wrong for him and the saints. Christ was there for them in their trials and they all overcame their hard times. Use the “Liberty Jail Object Lesson” to help teach this principle. For the object lesson you will need a ping pong ball, dried beans, and a tall jar or container. Place the ball (representing us) in the jar. Next pour the dried beans in the container on top of the ball. As you do so talk about trials Joseph Smith and the saints were going through or some trials that your family is experiencing. As the beans cover the ball explain that sometimes we feel like we are drowning and all we can see are the hardships. Begin moving the container side to side. As you do so the ping pong ball will move to the top. Explain that as we rely on the Lord, He will help us find joy in our trials and rise above the hardships.
Premium Extras for October
The extra premium materials will only be available in your account during the current month, October 1st-31st.
Pumpkin Toss Singing Time Activity

I Love To See The Temple Song Chart

Two Recipes
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies Homemade Rodeo Donuts
Merry Mail: My Gospel ABC and 123 Draw Erase Books

See your lesson summary page and materials for more activities and QR codes to videos that go along with what we are learning about this week!
If you currently have a Come Follow Me FHE lesson subscription you can access the materials by logging into your account, click on “My Account” and then click on “Downloads.” The most current lesson will always be listed at the bottom. If you don’t have a subscription you can purchase one by clicking on the subscribe tab on the top left corner or you can buy the lessons and premium goodies individually in our shop.
Enjoy this Come Follow Me Lesson!