General Conference for Kids

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 41 | October 5 - October 6
The lesson this week in the Come Follow Me manual covers two weeks (September 30-October 13) because of General Conference. You can use this extra week to discuss what you learned in conference, finish what you didn’t get to for the previous week’s lesson, or do another lesson from this year that you may have missed.

We love General Conference and are so excited to hear from our church leaders this weekend. This week we are giving you some FREE General Conference pages to help keep the kids engaged. The bundle includes a couple coloring pages, I love General Conference crown, note taking page, and take away pages to write down or draw pictures of goals they set.

On Instagram I shared the things I do with my kids during General Conference. You can watch it here. They LOVE it and get so excited for General Conference. Probably just as excited as Christmas morning. The conference packet we made in April is also still available in our shop if you want to add even more pages.

The Wood Coop does a lot of our art work for our lessons and she also has a couple of adorable conference packets up in her shop. A Coloring and Activity packet and a Prophet and Apostles packet. Go check them out!

Now that October is here it’s time to display a new focus print! These are still available in our shop if you want them.

If you currently have a subscription you can access the conference materials by logging into the website, click on “My Account” and then click on “Downloads.” The file will be listed at the bottom. If you don’t have a membership you can purchase one by clicking on the subscribe tab on the top left corner. These General Conference materials are FREE for everyone you just have to have a free, monthly, or yearly subscription.



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