Rejoice with Me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 20 | May 6 - May 12
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Can you believe that this is week 18 of the Come Follow Me curriculum? Over the past months I have made a specific and diligent effort to teach our children from the bible in the New Testament in our home. I can honestly say, it has not been easy but it has been worth it! There is a positive change in our home that I  almost can’t describe. There is an added measure of the spirit. Keep doing, keep trying, keep teaching and keep learning of our Savior. Blessings will come!

This week you will study Luke 15 and read the three stories it holds. As part of this you get to play a game. Be sure to follow the directions on your summary sheet for this lesson. I promise that teaching this portion how it is suggested will make learning positive and enjoyable. It allows for wiggle breaks between reading and my kids LOVED the game. 

Included this week in the materials are three mazes. These are to help children understand and connect finding lost things. The mazes, you will notice, are for different ages. There is one that is simple. medium level and challenging for older kids. Watch my Instagram stories for more details and age suggestions for each. 

My kids enjoyed these! My two year old and nine year old were both excited and a bit challenged by them. These cute mazes were a hit this week! 

Another part of this week is the 10 Lepers. Watch the video or read the story from the bible. In our home my oldest son studied the mystery scripture story before hand then taught the story to the family on his own. That was incredible to see! Make sure you use that scripture story! It is a great tool, comes once a month, to teach children how to study and learn from the scriptures. 

The next part of the lesson is fun! Take a look at a few pictures and you can get excited about using this activity in your home. Again, my kids loved it! We are even starting Gratitude Journals later this week, not pictured. I encourage you to do the same. Refer to your lesson materials for all the details.

You can choose to use the paper jars to cut and paste, big or small size. You could also use a real jar and fill with the paper candies or real candies. Your choice! Be creative and make it fun!

The labels and all materials this week are FREE! The first week each month all site visitors get all materials and a complete lesson at no cost.  We do have a membership option for those who would like a come follow me lesson every week!

Of course there are many more materials and six bonus ideas for your family to use this week. We always provide you with a main lesson plan and six bonus ideas plus a song list each week. This way you have lots of options and can teach what your family needs. Here is another item included this week! These can be scripture cards for older kids or cut out in the circle shape for a necklace for junior primary aged children. 


Also included this week is this beautiful print! It aligns perfectly with the lesson and can be displayed in your home or framed. 


We love you and appreciate your support! As a thank you, we have created this beautiful print for you! You can grab it from our shop on our website for free!

Follow us on Instagram where I coach parents each week on the lesson and explain all the materials. Follow us so you don’t miss out on exclusive giveaways and daily reminders to keep you on track!

Don’t forget that it is a new month so you can switch your focus print. This is May’s print! If you haven’t grabbed these prints that align with the manual and add Christ centered words to your home, do so now. They are just $4 for 12 prints in our shop.


We hope you love this lesson and all that is provided. We love hearing from our followers so snap a picture and tag us @comefollowmefhe on Instagram or email us a message about what you loved this week.


Enjoy teaching in your home!


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