Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids Lesson 47 | November 18-24 | Ether 6-11

The Jaredite people were, at times, extraordinarily blessed for their righteousness. At other times, their pride and wickedness led to many problems that could not be overcome without the help of the Lord: for “when they had humbled themselves sufficiently… the Lord did show forth his power unto them in preserving them” (Ether 9:35). Repentance, a key principle in these chapters, is essential to finding peace no matter what is going on in the world.
Repentance in our own families has many forms. As parents and teachers, we can choose to stop our “busy-ness” and listen to our children. We can encourage kinder voices in the home. We can set the example of daily prayer and scripture study. Choosing to do these things is repentance, a clear sign that we want the Lord to always be present in our lives.
This week’s Come Follow Me FHE lessons teaches these principles from the scriptures themselves. Each lesson includes everything you need to make Come, Follow Me fun for your kids! Join our membership for only $10 a month, and you’ll gain access to a treasure trove of resources to strengthen your family’s spiritual foundation and growth.
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Elementary Bundle Lessons & Activities
If you missed last week, see the previous lesson for the first five chapters of your Tale of Jaredite Comic Book. As you dive into Ether 6-11, follow along using the comic book to study the scriptures in a fun and exciting way! You can print this week’s pages for your comic book in color or black and white and add your special touches by coloring it yourself.
Here are a few ideas of how you might incorporate the Tale of the Jaredites Comic Book into your Come, Follow Me study:
- Complete the comic book section together each night as a family.
- Let older children complete independently during a nightly study.
- At the end of the week share all your comic books in a show-and-tell fashion.
- Let each family member retell and read out loud a chapter of Ether using their comic book.
We hope the comic book will inspire you to find the personal lessons within the Brother of Jared’s story. As his family arrives in the promised land, their experiences can serve as a reminder of what is most important in our lives: our faith in Jesus Christ.

Ready to jump in and get immediate access to these activities and so much more? We’re excited to have you join the Come Follow Me FHE family. Subscribe now for only $10/month.
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Toddler Bundle Lessons & Activities
For kids ages 1-4 at home and in nursery or sunbeams.
This week, we’ll be sharing the gospel with your little ones using the activity book in the Elementary Bundle. Be sure to use the activity book for younger children (Level 1, Recommended for ages 3-6). Print your activity book pages, then cut all of them in half, except the cover. You will fold the cover in half to help keep the pages together. Put all your pages in order inside the cover and then staple along the left-hand edge. Make one book for each of your children.
Remembering What the Lord Has Done
Hands-On Activity
Remind your child of the journey that the Jaredites were taking to the promised land in a boat. When the Jaredites arrived in the promised land, they were so happy that they thanked Heavenly Father for helping them get there safely. Describe how when we praise God, we thank Him for our blessings or the good things that happen to us. When we remember what the Lord has done for us, it brings us peace and happiness. Ask, “Are there things you can think of that you can thank God for?” Attach the Thankful Show and Tell label to a brown paper bag before you begin your activity. Tell your child to get five things that they are grateful for and put them in the bag. Remind them that it must fit inside. Then, either with your whole family or just with you, have them show and tell what is inside their bags. Ask your child why they are thankful for those things. Share some of things you are grateful for in return! Emphasize how important it is to recognize the things that the Lord has done for us.

The toddler bundle includes a lesson plan and three activities every week. Grab the toddler bundle in our subscription.
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Teen Bundle Lessons & Activities
The Teen Bundle includes a study page with four thoughtful questions each week that align with a scripture from Come, Follow Me, an applicable challenge to accept each week, and an awesome video done by a current seminary teacher that brings a topic from the study to life for teens. Plus: each week comes with a scripture print to hang on their bathroom mirror, in their locker, etc. Check out this week’s Book of Mormon-themed teen bundle now!

Ready to jump in and get immediate access to these activities and so much more? We’re excited to have you join the Come Follow Me FHE family.
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