These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 12 | March 11 - March 17

We forget how blessed we are to have twelve inspired apostles and the presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints readily at our fingertips. Their prophetic words are available to us at any time. It is as easy as a google search or opening the LDS Gospel Library App on our phones. Our dear prophet, Russel M. Nelson, is out running us all. I think he should be called “Hustle M. Nelson!” What a miracle it is to witness his energy and youth at age 95. The work is truly moving forward and I am glad that Come Follow Me FHE can be a small part of that in your home.

As I have studied about these men over the past month I have gained a great appreciation for each one of them. I enjoyed getting to know the “new guys.” They each have diversity, wisdom and life experiences that the Lord needs to gather His sheep at this time. To create the apostle matching game for the lesson this week I used this site HERE. I encourage you to make time to read about each prophet, it will be time well spent. The game is sent out to all those subscribed to my mailing list.

Grab your lesson summary sheet and study your bible reading before you teach your lesson. Being prepared is essential, especially when dealing with young children. The reading is Matthew 10-12, Mark 2, and Luke 7;11. To help keep you on track grab the year long schedule out of my shop. It tell you what to read each week, what lesson to prepare and what lesson your should be teaching. It is my go to and has saved my bacon many times when my mom brain gets confused.

Start by reading in the manual the introductory paragraph is beautiful! Display the pictures above of the apostles and prophet at this time. Follow your summary sheet provided and have a discussion with your family.

Next you will be using the fun writing organizer titled, “What do apostles do?” included in your materials while you read from the bible. Find the exact verses that hold the answers on your summary sheet.

My kids LOVED this! It was easy to use and follow along. Even my five year old could complete this with a little writing help. It kept their minds and hands engaged during the bible reading!

When this is complete it is time to play the apostle matching game that was sent in your materials, mentioned above. The purpose of the game is to help your family learn about our prophets and apostles. It is more than matching a face to a name, each pair has fun facts or stories about each prophet or apostle.

If you have young kids play this face up, that is how we did it! If your family dynamic is more mature you can play memory style with the cards face down. This was a total blast! We may very well play this every night until general conference to help us all get the names of the brothers down pat. You could also find a way to display these in your home for constant study and practice.

Preparation tip: Glue them to a solid colored paper before you cut them apart so the cards are not see through. Laminate them so they will last. My favorite laminator ever is below! Worth the money when you spend so much time making materials. The game cards do not come with the pictures of the prophets on them. These images can’t be distributed by us. Simply click HERE to print your thumbnail size images (don’t print all the pages, just page 2) then glue them on.

Move on with your lesson and sing Follow The Prophet, listed in your song list for the week. Play the fun game listed on your summary sheet as a family. Talk about how important it is to follow the prophet. Share ideas of how we can all follow the prophets and be laborers. Not surprisingly, my children nearly peed their pants with excitement over this simple game. It really is the little things in life!

End your lesson by singing I Will Be Valiant. Catch my Instagram stories for actions to teach your children that will make this song come alive.

Each week I send out six bonus ideas to subscribers! These are short activities or study moments you can complete every night of the week after your main lesson. I hope you will take advantage of this great resource and use them. If it isn’t fitting for your family to do one each night pick and choose what your family needs most. I study the manual extensively and if you complete the main lesson plus all the bonus activities that means you will have taught 100% or almost all of the content from the four pages in the Come Follow Me manual. WINNING!

I will share just one bonus ideas here! Count your blessings!

Bonus Activity 1: How can we do well on the sabbath day? This is one focus for the week. Share ideas as a family. Get popsicle sticks and a simple jar. Use the list below and your own ideas to create Sunday Sticks, read more about that HERE. Set a goal as a family to keep the sabbath day holy.

Oh gosh and I just can’t keep this one in! Eeek! This coloring page is to die for adorable! Hand drawn by Sara Day, my sister. Check out her shop HERE. She has a coloring page for every occasion! Perfect for sacrament meeting!

Make sure to subscribe so you can get all of our lesson materials sent right to your inbox every Tuesday. I hope you love teaching your children in your home with Come Follow Me FHE.

See ya!


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