What shall I do to inherit eternal life?

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 18 | April 22 - April 28 | Matthew 18; Luke 10
This week there are two never seen before items in your materials!! How exciting! Each of these items will be included each month, read more below!
Jesus taught us to see all people as our neighbors and love them.The parable of the good Samaritan is a memorable story that can help children understand who our neighbors are. Think of ways you can inspire the children to “go, and do … likewise” as you read in Luke 10:37. Who is our neighbor? The answer, anyone who needs your help and love. 

After reading Matthew 18 and Luke 10 and teaching about the good Samaritan, you may complete the fun sliding page from churchofjesuschrist.org just download it HERE. Then complete the neighborhood printable and glue on your own clouds to answer the question. 

This week there are two never seen before items in your materials!! Cool! We have been hard at work to give you even more value! Each of these items will be included once per month; a Mystery Scripture Story Guide for kids! Plus, a song flip chart to help your family learn a song from the Children’s songbook. Two great resources coming your way each month!

Get your kids excited about using these materials. If you have older primary age kids, about eight and up, consider using the Mystery Scripture Story Guide to learn about the good Samaritan rather than the video or worksheet above. This guide really makes studying and marking in your scriptures fun and engaging!

Don’t mark with a pencil in your scriptures. Over time it fades, smears and discolors the pages. Use some good quality scripture marking pens like these. Think about how great these could be as a gift with a Bible and Book of Mormon for your kids.

Buy some magnifying glasses to read those itty bitty words. The bigger magnify glasses I love and have used for years are HERE and some smaller ones like the one pictured below are HERE. Grab these to make studying the bible even more of an adventure. 

Now let’s get to the most memorable part of the lesson! Balloons!!!

This “Let It Go” activity will stick with your children forever. The story comes from the friend, find it HERE. Find step by step instructions in your materials. Be sure to buy enough balloons for every family member to have two. I promise it will save you many tears. 

This activity teaches forgiveness. That we should all forgive each other even seventy times seven (Luke 10:29-37). It helps us understand that we must forgive others if we are to receive forgiveness from the Lord ourselves. This hands on lesson allows for real world connections and it is a must! 

Keep your eyes peeled on Instagram for coaching for week 16. Plus, a cute video with live footage from our own lesson in my home. 

Part of your materials is this beautiful print. I found it fitting for this lesson. It came from the Come Follow Me manual page 64. If your home is anything like mine, hello sibling rivalry, then this is perfect to display as a reminder through out the week. 


As you teach your children this week listen to what the spirit is prompting you to tell them. I can’t express how important this is.  Often my lesson has gone a different direction because of the promptings I have received. When I listen teaching my kids always goes better than I had planned on my own. Come Follow Me FHE provide so many options, ideas, activities, materials each week so that you can choose what is the best fit for your family. So, pray about it and use what is important in your home. Then always remember family home evening treat!

Best to you!


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