Ye Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me

Come Follow Me Lessons & Activities for Kids

Week 28 | July 1 - July 7
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Teaching words from the bible can be challenging with kids. It can push you to your limits and make you as the parent want to just give up. This week as you study from the book of Acts we hope the activity book for kids shown below as well as the other materials help you feel success and joy in place of frustration and defeat. After all, our lessons are specifically made by an experienced teacher for children who are primary age. If you want exclusive access to all the materials you see just grab a membership


Here are some sneak peak of pages inside. Each page tells a new story from the book of Acts in the bible. Children who can write just add a simple sentence to the box. If children are not writers yet they can draw a picture in the box on their page. 


This week you get to discuss what it means to be a witness. This would be a good time to discuss some of the changes that have happened lately in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This shows us that prophets and apostles still receive revelation from the Lord. So this week in the lesson there are dry erase mats with the prophet and apostles names on them so your children can trace over the names and learn about these special men. Simply slide them into sheet protectors or laminate them so they can last. I think I will be putting these in my church page for Sunday. 

We are the and even included a fun apostle getting to know you matching game as well. This was used earlier in the year but was so memorable we wanted to add it to your materials this week. We hope you use this game and love it! Click the blue button at the bottom of this post to see this game for yourself. I do  suggest printing on card stock so the cards are not see through.

My children, especially my littlest, loves the coloring page every time! The apostle color page for this week was hand drawn by our artist and I think it’s pretty perfect!


Another perfect fit for this week are some cute article of faith cards that make a perfect hand out for your primary class or a study card for your own children at home. You will see them in your materials when you grab a membership

Use the songs list included on the summary sheet. My family sang We’ll Bring The World His Truth together and marched around the room together as we sang. Classic!

Every week we provide you with the main lesson and materials plus six supportive ideas you can use to enhance your lesson or through out the week as mini lessons. For us this works perfectly to keep the learning going all week long. Some of the pages we even complete during quiet time on the long summer days. These activities below help teach that the gospel of Jesus Christ can’t be bought with money. 


Don’t forget that we have loads of extra supports and goodies in  our shop on the website! There are many resources to help make life easier for you as the parent striving for a Christ centered home. 

Do not forget that our Good Better Best Challenge is going on right now, June 24-26th. You can read more about it and watch a beautiful video about the movement as well, then join us. It is free to join and will give you the kick in the pants you need this summer to focus on what really matters most.

These hand lettered prints are available so you can really apply what is learned during the challenge. To those who have a membership these pages are included in your account! For just one dollar you can grab them in our shop if you don’t have a subscription. 

We know you will also love these eight beautiful quotes take right from the Good, Better, Best talk by Elder Oaks. Each one is unique and perfect for your home! Again you can purchase these in our shop as a bundle with the above pages or on their own. I chose to hang my prints with these perfect wooden magnet hangers


Can you believe it is July? Where does the time go? You know what that means, time to switch your monthly focus print!

If you haven’t grabbed these prints that align with the manual and add Christ centered words to your home they are in our shop.

Follow us on Instagram where I coach parents each week on the lesson and explain all the materials. Plus, don’t miss out on exclusive giveaways and daily reminders to keep you on track!

We enjoy hearing from real families using our lessons. Please snap a picture and share plus tag us @comefollowmefhe on Instagram or email us a message about what you loved this week. This enters you for a chance to be featured every Friday and win a free download!


Happy summer,


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